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​Collaborative research


​ 我が研究室で行っている研究は国内に留まらず,国際学会で出会った各国の研究者とも新たな研究に取り組んでいます.

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BGU Murnau

協力代表者:Dr. Andreas Brand
 超音波画像装置による評価の多くは、座位や立位など静的な姿勢で行われます。そこに、三次元動作解析装置を同期することで、歩行といった動的な条件下での筋骨格系組織の動態解析に成功しました。歩行中に骨や筋がどのような動きをしているか、可視化して分析を行います。BGU Murnauとの共同研究で、外反母趾やアキレス腱症など、整形外科的疾患の発症メカニズムの解明に迫ります。
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BGU Murnau centerの風景
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所属:Institute for Biomechanics, BG Unfallklinik Murnau, Murnau, Germany

Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center 

協力代表者:Dr. Anders Hauge Engebretsen
所属:Oslo University Hospital Department of Gastro and Pediatric Surgery,
​     Oslo University hospital HF, Oslo, Norway


 危険因子は、既往歴や筋力低下をはじめとして数多く報告されていますが、我々はアスリートの主観的症状に着目しました。デジタル社会の強みを活かして、オンラインで評価を実施することで選手だけでなく評価者の負担も軽減でき、定期的な評価の継続を加速させることができます。評価スコアの発案者であるDr. Andersと共同で、日本語版の妥当性の検証を進めています。

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香港理工大學 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 

協力代表者:Dr. Toshiki Kobayashi

 足関節捻挫は最も代表的なスポーツ外傷の一つであり、繰り返すことで慢性足関節不安定症の発症にもつながります。受傷予防に用いられる足関節装具の着用によって、ジャンプ動作における下肢関節のキネマティクスの変化を分析しています。さらにContinuous relative phase(CRP)に着目し、運動制御と協調性変動についての検証に取り組んでいます。PolyUのDr. Kobayashiとの共同研究で、理学療法学と医用工学を組み合わせた研究の発展を進めています。

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所属:Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
              The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China



  1. Tashiro T, Ikuta Y, Maeda N, Arima S, Morikawa M, Kaneda K, Ishihara H, Tsutsumi S, Kawai M, Brand A, Nakasa T, Adachi N, Komiya M, Urabe Y:First tarsometatarsal joint mobility in hallux valgus during gait: A synchronized ultrasound and three-dimensional motion capture analysis. J Med Ultrasonics 51(1):331-339, 2024 (SCIE, IF=1.8)

  2. Nishikawa Y, Holobar A, Watanabe K, Kitamura R, Maeda N, Tanaka S, Allison S, Hyngstrom A:Sex differences in laterality of motor unit firing behavior of the first dorsal interosseous muscle in strength-matched healthy young males and females. Eur J Appl Physiol 124(7):1979-1990, 2024 (SCIE, IF=3.0)

  3. Nishikawa Y, Sakaguchi H, Takada T, Maeda N, Hyngstrom A:Influence of stimulation frequency on brain-derived neurotrophic factor and cathepsin-B production in healthy young adults. J Comp Physiol B 194(4):493-499, 2024 (SCIE, IF=2.0)

  4. Kawai M, Maeda N, Gao F, Kobayashi T, Tsutsumi S, Ishihara H, Watanabe T, Komiya M, Tashiro T, Urabe Y:Effect of ball positions on trunk, hip, knee, and ankle joint kinematics and kinetics during a spike jump in volleyball. Gait Posture 113:419-426, 2024 (SCI, IF=2.4)

  5. Nishikawa Y, Holobar A, Watanabe K, Komatsuzaki T, Chihara T, Sakamoto J, Kawagoe T, Nagayasu H, Mori K, Kawano K, Maeda N, Tanaka S, Hyngstrom A:Immediate effect of local vibration on motor unit firing behavior and muscle strength in healthy young adult males. Eur J Appl Physiol 124(1):3707-3717, 2024 (SCIE, IF=2.8)

  6. Tsutsumi S, Maeda N, Engebretsen AH, Kamatsuki Y, Nagano Y, Kuroda S, Ishida A, Tamura YTashiro T, Kaneda K, Arima S, Yoshimi M, Komiya M, Urabe Y:The validity and reliability of a Japanese version of the web-based hamstring outcome score. Sci Rep 14(1):24001, 2024 (SCI, IF=3.8)

  7. Onoue SMaeda N, Ikuta Y, Tashiro T, Arima S, Ishihara H, Ishida A, Brand A, Nakasa T, Adachi N, Tsutsumi S, Komiya M, Urabe Y:Comparison of the distance between the talus and lateral malleolus during the stance phase with and without chronic ankle instability. Sci Rep:27055, 2024 (SCI, IF=3.8)​

  8. Arima S, Maeda N, Tsutsumi S, Ishihara H, Ikuta Y, Ushio K, Fujishita H, Kobayashi T,  Komiya M, Morikawa M, Adachi N, Urabe Y:Association between the intrinsic foot muscles and plantar fascia in repetitive rebound jumping and jump landing in adolescent athletes: An ultrasound-based study. Gait Posture 99(1):146-151, 2023 (SCI, IF=2.746)

  9. Nishikawa Y, Sakaguchi H, Kawade S, Maeda N, Tanaka S, Hyngstrom A:Electrical muscle stimulation in young adults: Effect of muscle volume on brain-derived neurotrophic factor level. Eur J Appl Physiol 123(2):361-366, 2023 (SCI, IF=3.346)

  10. Daryabor A, Kobayashi T, Saeedi H, Lyons S, Maeda N:Effect of 3D printed insoles for people with flatfeet: A systematic review. Assist Technol 35(2):169-179, 2023 (SCI, IF=2.170)

  11. Kobayashi T, Tee SM, Morikawa M, Tashiro T, Arima S, Maeda N, Leung AKL:Effect of flexion-resist and extension-assist knee orthosis on electromyographic activities of quadriceps during lateral stepping. Prosthet Orthot Int 47(2):168-171, 2023 (SCI, IF=1.672)

  12. Nishikawa Y, Watanabe K, Takahashi T, Maeda N, Maruyama H, Tanaka S, Hyngstrom A:Laterality of the activation of the vastus lateralis muscle in females with Parkinson's disease during the medication state compared with healthy controls. J Integr Neurosci 21(1):1-8, 2022 (SCI, IF=2.117)

  13. Nishikawa Y, Holobar A, Watanabe K, Takahashi T, Ueno H, Maeda N, Maruyama H, Tanaka S, Hyngstrom A:Detection of motor unit in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using high-density surface electromyography. Neurophysiol Clin 142(1):262-272, 2022 (SCI, IF=4.861)

  14. Maeda N, Ikuta Y, Tashiro T, Arima S, Morikawa M, Kaneda K, Ishihara H, Brand A, Nakasa T, Adachi N, Urabe Y:Quantitative evaluation of the vertical mobility of the first tarsometatarsal joint during stance phase of gait. Sci Rep 12(1):9246, 2022 (SCI, IF=3.8)

  15. Kobayashi T, Wong P, Hu M, Tashiro T, Morikawa M, Maeda N:The effects of the tension of figure-8 straps of a soft ankle orthosis on the ankle joint kinematics while walking in healthy young adults: A pilot study. Gait Posture 98(1):210-215, 2022 (SCI, IF=2.746)

  16. Nishikawa Y, Watanabe K, Chihara T, Sakamoto J, Komatsuzaki T, Kawano K, Kobayashi A, Inoue K, Maeda N, Tanaka S, Hyngstrom A:Influence of forward head posture on muscle activation pattern of the trapezius pars descendens muscle in young adults. Sci Rep 12(1):19484, 2022  (SCI, IF=3.8)


  1. Oda S, Maeda N, Tashiro T, Mizuta R, Komiya M, Arima S, Nagasawa T, Naito K, Urabe Y:Effect of sleep quality on the severity of perimenstrual symptoms in Japanese female students: A cross-sectional, online survey. BMJ Open:2025 in press (SCIE, IF=2.4)

  2. Tashiro TMaeda N, Mizuta R, Abekura T, Oda S, Onoue S, Arima S, Suzuki Y, Urabe Y:Relationship between sleep disorders and depressive symptoms among young women in Japan: a web-based cross-sectional study. BMJ Open:2025 in press (SCIE, IF=2.4)

  3. Ishibashi S, Shinomiya R, Hayashi Y, Tashiro T, Nagamatsu S, Hamana T, Sunagawa T, Adachi N:Factors associated with claw toe deformity following vascularized fibula flap harvesting: a retrospective analysis of potential risk factors and preventive strategies. Microsurgery:2025 in press (SCIE, IF=1.5)

  4. Maeda N, Tsutsumi S, Arima S, Ikuta Y, Ushio K, Komiya K, Tashiro T, Nakasa T, Adachi N, Urabe Y:Relationship between foot morphologic characteristic and postural control after jump landing in youth competitive athletes. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil 37(2):419-426, 2024 (SCIE, IF=1.6)

  5. Tashiro T, Maeda N, Tsutsumi S, Abekura T, Esaki H, Tsuchida K, Oda S, Komiya M, Ikuta Y, Urabe Y:A quantitative assessment of the anterior tibiofibular gap with and without weight-bearing in healthy adults: An ultrasound-based study. J Orthop Sci 21 S0949-2658(24):00009-52024, 2024 (SCIE, IF=1.7)

  6. Mizuta R, Maeda N, Tashiro T, Suzuki Y, Kuroda S, Ishida A, Oda S, Watanabe T, Tamura Y, Komiya M, Urabe Y:Effectiveness of metaverse space-based exercise video distribution in young adults: A randomized controlled trial. JMIR m Health and uHealth 12:e46397, 2024 (SCIE, IF=5.0)

  7. Tsutsumi S, Sasadai J, Maeda N, Tamura Y, Nagao T, Watanabe T, Arima S, Kaneda K, Yoshimi M, Mizuta R, Ishihara H, Simizu R, Fukui K, Tashiro T, Komiya M, Suzuki A, Urabe Y:Head impact differences in blind football between Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games: Video-based observational study. BMJ Open 14(4):e081942, 2024 (SCIE, IF=2.9)

  8. Naito K, Izawa K, Maeda N, Kasai Y, Iwama H:Characteristics of physical activity and sedentary behavior in patients undergoing outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Sci Rep 14(1):24217, 2024 (SCI, IF=3.8)

  9. Maeda N, Ikuta Y, Tsutsumi S, Arima S, Ishihara H, Ushio K, Mikami Y, Komiya K, Nishikawa Y, Nakasa T,  Adachi N, Urabe Y:Relationship of chronic ankle instability with foot alignment and dynamic postural stability in adolescent competitive athletes. Orthop J Sports Med 11(10):23259671231202220, 2023 (SCIE, IF=3.401)

  10. Ishihara H, Maeda N, Komiya M, Mizuta R, Oda S, Naito K, Urabe Y:Investigation of the effective standing posture for increasing activity of the pelvic floor muscles: A cross-sectional study. J phys Fit Sports Med 12(6):155-160, 2023

  11. Tsutsumi S, Sasadai J, Maeda N, Shimizu R, Suzuki A, Fukui K, Arima S, Tashiro T, Kaneda K, Yoshimi M, Mizuta R, Ishihara H, Esaki H, Tsuchida K, Terada T, Komiya M, Urabe Y:Head impact in blind football during the Tokyo Paralympics: Video-based observational study. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 102(9):836-839, 2023 (SCIE, IF=3.412)

  12. Tsutsumi S, Maeda N, Sasadai J, Shimizu R, Suzuki A, Fukui K, Arima S, Tashiro T, Kaneda K, Yoshimi M, Mizuta R, Abekura T, Esaki H, Terada T, Komiya M, Urabe Y:Characteristics of wheelchair basketball falls during the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics by sex and physical impairment classification: A video-based observational study. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 102(9):840-845, 2023 (SCIE, IF=3.412)

  13. Sasadai J, Maeda N, Sakai S, Tashiro T, Arima S, Urabe Y:Effect of a 4-week static stretching program for plantar flexor muscles on physical performance and muscle properties. Isokinet Exerc Sci 31(2):149-156, 2023 (SCI, IF=0.729)

  14. Tsubaki Y, Maeda N, Suzuki Y, Morikawa M, Mizumura M, Urabe Y:The differences in center of pressure displacement and lower limb muscle activity during relevé descending phase between flat shoes and pointe shoes. Medical Problems of Performing Artist 38(2):104-109, 2023 (SCIE, IF=0.770)

  15. Kaneda K, Maeda N, Ikuta Y, Tashiro T, Tsutsumi S, Arima S, Sasadai J, Suzuki Y, Morikawa M, Komiya M, Adachi N, Urabe Y:The features of foot morphology and intrinsic foot muscle property in adolescent swimmers: An ultrasound-based study. J Hum Kinet 88 (1):95-103, 2023 (SCI, IF=2.3)

  16. Tsutsumi S, Sasadai J, Maeda N, Shimizu R, Suzuki A, Fukui K, Arima S, Tashiro T, Kaneda K, Yoshimi M, Mizuta R, Ishihara H, Esaki H, Tsuchida K, Terada T, Komiya M, Urabe Y:Head impact in blind football during the Tokyo Paralympics: Video-based observational study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 102(9):836-839, 2023 (SCIE, IF=3.0)

  17. Tsubaki Y, Maeda N, Suzuki Y, Morikawa M, Mizumura M, Urabe Y:Differences in center of pressure displacement and lower limb muscle activity during relevé descending phase between flat shoes and pointe shoes. Med Probl Perform Art 38(2):104-109, 2023 (SCIE, IF=0.9)

  18. Komiya M, Maeda N, Tsutsumi S, Ishihara H, Mizuta R, Nishikawa Y, Arima S, Kaneda K, Ushio K, Urabe Y:Effect of postural differences on the activation of intrinsic foot muscles during ramp-up toe flexion in young men. Gait Posture 102 (1):112-117, 2023 (SCI, IF=2.4) 

  19. Maeda N, Ikuta Y, Tsutsumi S, Arima S, Ishihara H, Ushio K, Mikami Y, Komiya M, Nishikawa Y, Nakasa T, Adachi N, Urabe Y:Chronic ankle instability is associated with excessive valgus rearfoot alignment and dynamic postural stability after jump-landing in adolescent competitive athletes. Orthop J Sports Med 11(10):23259671231202220, 2023 (SCIE, IF=3.2)

  20. Sasadai J, Maeda N, Morikawa M, Komiya M, Shimizu R, Fukui K, Yoshimi M, Kono Y, Urabe Y:Biomechanics of double poling in cross-country skiing compared between standing and sitting. Medicina 58(2):201, 2022 (SCI, IF=2.430)

  21. Tashiro T, Maeda N, Sasadai J, Shimizu R, Suzuki A, Komiya M, Fukui K, Tsutsumi S, Arima S, Kaneda K, Yoshimi M, Mizuta R, Abekura T, Esaki H, Terada T, Urabe Y:Characteristics of falls among men’s wheelchair rugby players in the Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020 Summer Paralympic Games: A video analysis. J Human Kinetics 84(1):233-237, 2022 (SCI, IF=2.193)

  22. Fukui K, Maeda N, Sasadai J, Shimizu R, Tsutsumi S, Arima S, Tashiro T, Kaneda K, Yoshimi M, Mizuta R, Abekura T, Esaki H, Terada T, Komiya M, Suzuki A, Urabe Y:Analysis of wheelchair falls in team sports at the Paralympic Games: Video-based comparison between the Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020 games. BMJ Open 12(8):e060937, 2022 (SCI, IF=3.006)

  23. Morikawa M, Maeda N, Komiya M, Kobayashi T, Urabe Y:The effect of two types of ankle orthoses on the repetitive rebound jump performance. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 14(1):88, 2022 (SCIE, IF=1.934)

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